Category: Main

A missing jigsaw puzzle piece, about to be placed.

Nothing Wrong With Me

I don’t wish I weren’t on the autism spectrum. It’s as much a part of me as my toes or sense of humour, not some unfortunate bug in the system.

A colourized scan of a human brain

AI needs to disrupt our lives faster

Last week I talked about the disruption Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing. That’s old news (at least in the 21st-century sense of “old” news). A lot of us are fearful, especially of being replaced...

A giant hockey stick roadside attraction

Welcome to the Hockey Stick

OpenAI is hiring hundreds of junior developers to train the company’s software on how to code software. Once artificial intelligence platforms learn how to code, it could make millions of junior developers obsolete. More...

The 'profile' section of Mark Farmer's resume

In Praise of the Plain Resume

I dusted off my resume the other day. Seeing it again for the first time in years, I realized anyone looking at it might wonder why someone claiming design expertise had such a plain...

A close-up of hands on a car steering wheel

Defensive Management

Remember learning to drive? Oh, the joy… Steely resolve as you nervously clutched the wheel, the front of the car peeking hesitantly out of the driveway. Hypervigilance on full display as you scanned busy...

A cat yawning

Becoming Bored

“75% of your shared data data has been used.” Thank goodness for automatic alerts, I thought, so that I don’t go over my cellphone’s data limit and incur stratospheric overage costs. Plenty of time...

A padlock and key

Top 10 Strategy Secrets

Creating a great strategy isn’t rocket science, but it has its secrets…. Strategy is never about technology, mission statements or org charts: it’s about people and culture. Peter Drucker said “Culture eats strategy for...