Author: markus6464

A man in a baseball cap on a fun, pumping his fist

Bots will disrupt recruiting in four to seven years

Social media, bots and why you’d better start coming up with content right now. Facebook announced a new strategic priority last week: bots. It’s doubling down on the technology, predicting that bots will start replacing apps...

The robot from the movie "Terminator 3"

Will you lose your marketing job to a machine?

Marketing Automation: the Death of Your Gig? Every day, machines are discovering exciting new ways to eliminate jobs through the wonders of automation. The latest robots are able to ship boxes, drive 18-wheelers and kill...

The Adobe Flash logo

The Death of Flash: Lessons in Community & Democracy

The Death of Flash What an obsolescent programming interface can teach you about democracy and community. I started programming in earnest in 2001, using (among other things) a now largely defunct technology called “Flash.”...

A hand raise in a blocking motion, with a red circle around it and a red slash bisecting it

Pooh-Pooh Culture

It’s insidious. It undermines trust, saps initiative and likely already infects your workplace: welcome to pooh-pooh culture. Wikipedia defines “pooh-poohing” as “a fallacy in informal logic that consists of dismissing an argument as being...

A man watching a laptop computer

You’re a sucker for a good webinar

The invite appears in your inbox. “Join us for a free webinar on <insert tantalizing business trend / skill / software / here>.” You open. You read. You ponder (maybe). You click. Days later your...

4 varieties of mustard, each on a spoon

The Curse of the Gourmet Mustard

Mustard and the Marginal Economy I have the good fortune of living next to the top food market in the world: Toronto’s St. Lawrence Market. Every Saturday I troll the market for free samples. It’s...

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau vs. The Culture of Change

Corporate Culture doesn’t shift; it rolls over with a thud During his election campaign, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to bring openness and transparency to Canadian government. Only now are his lieutenants coming to terms with what...

An call center professional wearing white corporate attire

An Open Letter to Every Young Salesperson

Sales: it’s about what you can do for me. I get a lot of sales calls. A lot. I don’t know how the rumour started that I’m made of cash, but apparently that happened. Sometimes I...

A mixture of social media icons

Building your career with social media

Building your career with social media. Social media is one of the most powerful tools for building your career through the power of your own brand. But where to begin? Here are some tips...

Two men acting on stage.

ACT up for better communication

It stands for Authenticity, Consistency and Transparency. It’s the cornerstone of real, effective online communication.Too many organizations fall into traps on the way to ACTing up: “We need to sound official.” Trust me: you don’t...