Tagged: facebook

Facebook's logo

Face it: Facebook’s a Publisher

A long time ago in a walled garden far, far away, Section 230 of the US Communications Decency Act came to life. It was designed to nurture the seedlings of young internet companies that...

Facebook's logo

It’s Time to Regulate Facebook

Calls for the breakup of Facebook are reaching a fever pitch. The social network has come under fire for its flagrant disregard for privacy and security, for allowing everyone from anti-vaxxers to Russian hackers...

A screen capture of a cellphone home screen, showing a variety of social media icons

Can We Have Social Media Back?

I met Brian at a Toronto tech meetup in 2011. I was hanging around the back of the room when he introduced himself, and we connected over a mutual fascination with all things social...

A photo of Mark Zuckerberg

Why Facebook Isn’t Going Anywhere

Collective rage against Facebook has become deafening over the last six months. It stands accused of killing everything from our attention span to journalism, to democracy itself. It’s been blamed for helping Russia subvert the...

Photo of John D. Rockefeller

It’s Time to Regulate Facebook

Facebook has become an essential utility, and a dangerous one at that. Western democracies can’t afford to let it run unchecked any longer: it’s time to regulate it, like we do with any other...

A man in a baseball cap on a fun, pumping his fist

Bots will disrupt recruiting in four to seven years

Social media, bots and why you’d better start coming up with content right now. Facebook announced a new strategic priority last week: bots. It’s doubling down on the technology, predicting that bots will start replacing apps...

A shark, silhouetted from below

Social media feeding frenzy

Five years ago, social media seemed blessed with an infinite growth curve. By feasting on the festering yet still fresh corpse of old media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and others grew dramatically each year...

Facebook like icon

Stop screwing up your Facebook reach

A friend recently posted the following link, “Facebook officially kills organic reach for brands,“ and asked somewhat sarcastically (I hope) when he could kill his company’s Facebook page as a result. However, a funny thing happened...

Why Twitter will have to become more like Facebook to survive

It’s inevitable. The first steps have already been taken with the recent Twitter redesign, which uses a “best tweets” feature. This emphasizes tweets that earn the most interaction (retweets, favourites and replies) by making...