Tagged: communications

A crack in a piece of metal

Elements of Strategy, Part 2: The Digital Divide

Part two of a series, “Elements of Strategy.” Check back each Monday for more insights. Digital communications have flipped the relationship between audience and messenger: audiences are in control of how they’re communicated to,...

Two men acting on stage.

ACT up for better communication

It stands for Authenticity, Consistency and Transparency. It’s the cornerstone of real, effective online communication.Too many organizations fall into traps on the way to ACTing up: “We need to sound official.” Trust me: you don’t...

A scary-looking scarecrow

Zombie words want your brains

You pass them every day, and they slide right off your consciousness. “Post no bills.” “No negotiables kept on premises after hours.” “No standing.” They’re zombie communications, the relics of a bygone era that...